Accessible and AccountableOur office will be here to serve you, respond to your calls and letters and appreciate your voice! If the People Lead, the Leaders will follow.
Create working Community Councils on major issues to get your suggestions and priorities Office open past 5PM to serve working families Satellite hours throughout the District Internship opportunities for high school and college students to gain valuable experience in serving the People Office as community center and activist resource
Clean Environment, Better Health, Waterfront Access, Greenways, Parks & Gardens
Fair siting and fair share of polluting facilitiesReduce diesel trucks on our roads, explore biodiesel and non polluting fuels Create more waterfront access Implement South Bronx Greenway Preserve all community gardens, provide more resources for parks and trees, car-free Central Park Really address asthma, diabetes, obesity... Pass The Health Care Security Act for employers to provide health insurance for their workers
Economic Development and Jobs, Improved Education, Housing, Yankee Stadium
Create good paying and union jobsSupport entrepreneurial enterprises Anchor local business and attract new Support affordable housing Make Education accountable to more than just the Mayor, but the parents and students and teachers too. Open shuttered schools Foster tenant ownership and rights Yankees stay in the Bronx, and provide greater resources and amenities to local community
Less Crime, Youth Programs, Arts and Culture, Senior Programs, Tolerance
Bring back beat cops on the cornerProvide all youth with access to internships, mentoring and after-school activities Support the Arts, invest in growing communities, protect them from gentrifying zoning changes Respect our elders and provide the home bound with warm meals in person Support the Equal Benefits Bill requiring companies with city contracts worth at least ,000 to provide health, family and bereavement benefits to domestic partners whatever orientation