Arline Parks for City Council
Home Page

Letter from Arline Parks

Volunteer and Contribute

En Espanol

On the Issues

Guest Book Page

Working Families Party Endorsement Questionnaire Answers

NY League of Conservation Voters Questionnaire

Statement on NYC Solid Waste Plan

Thank you to everyone who cares!
Well, due to corruption, malfeasance, horrible legal representation and novice experiences, Arline Parks was knocked off the ballot by the Democrat and Republican Machinery controlled Board of Elections.
Thanks to everyone who was involved in this effort.
Many of us have gained an enormous amount of experience and we look forward to your continued involvement in our community and electoral efforts.
The Petition process for the Autumn elections begins in June and some of us will be involved again.
Stay in touch!

Hunt's Point, Melrose, Soundview, Morrisania, Concourse, Mott Haven, Port Morris, Highbridge, Yankee Stadium area, from Bronx River to Harlem River!

Email your ideas and suggestions!

Contact Us and Vote February 15th
Get involved in this grassroots peoples campaign to elect a progressive to City Council. Call now for June 2005!